Capistrano task to pull MySQL production data to develoment database

Tagged with Capistrano Ruby Rails MySQL

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# Fetches the production database on the server contents into the development
# database 
# Assumes you have dbuser, dbhost, dbpassword, and application defined somewhere in your 
# task. Modify as needed - database.yml is used for importing data, just not for exporting.
# Only supports MySQL.
desc "Load production data into development database"
task :fetch_remote_db, :roles => :db, :only => { :primary => true } do
  require 'yaml'

  database = YAML::load_file('config/database.yml')

  filename = "dump.#{ '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S'}.sql"

  on_rollback do 
    delete "/tmp/#{filename}" 
    delete "/tmp/#{filename}.gz" 

  cmd = "mysqldump -u #{dbuser} -h #{dbhost} --password=#{dbpassword} #{application}_production > /tmp/#{filename}"
  puts "Dumping remote database"
  run(cmd) do |channel, stream, data|
    puts data
  # compress the file on the server
  puts "Compressing remote data"
  run "gzip -9 /tmp/#{filename}"
  puts "Fetching remote data"
  get "/tmp/#{filename}.gz", "dump.sql.gz"
  # build the import command
  # no --password= needed if password is nil. 
  if database['development']['password'].nil?
    cmd = "mysql -u #{database['development']['username']} #{database['development']['database']} < dump.sql"
    cmd = "mysql -u #{database['development']['username']} --password=#{database['development']['password']} #{database['development']['database']} < dump.sql"
  # unzip the file. Can't use exec() for some reason so backticks will do
  puts "Uncompressing dump"
  `gzip -d dump.sql.gz`
  puts "Executing : #{cmd}"
  puts "Cleaning up"
  `rm -f dump.sql`

  puts "Be sure to run rake db:migrate to ensure your database schema is up to date!"
Original snippet written by Brian Hogan
Last updated at 14:17 PM on Jul 07, 2008 by Brian Hogan

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