Active Directory authentication with local active record persistance without password

Tagged with AD active directory LDAP net%2Fldap

Language: Ruby

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#This is the user.rb for a rails system that needs to authenticate to Active Directory. 
#You need LDAP services turned on (usually this is the case by default)
#You will need to check with your AD administrator anyway to get all the connection information. 

#To get started you will need to install the 'ruby-net-ldap' gem
#At your command prompt type: sudo gem install ruby-net-ldap

#See the documentation here:
#You'll want to start by reading the section on "Net::LDAP" (See link list on the left)

#This code is a drop in replacement for the self.authenticate method in the restful_authentication plugin. 
#After adding the line:  require 'net/ldap' at the top, the only other change 
#is to remove the existing self.authenticate method and replace it with the 2 shown here.
#Optionally, you can remove all the password code that is no longer in use. 
#The exceptions are the "self.encrypt" method and the "encrypt" method 
#which are still in use by the "remember_me_until" method.

#place at the top of the user.rb model
require 'net/ldap'

  #LDAP AD Authentication
  def self.authenticate(username,password)
    ldap_con = initialize_ldap_con(username + "", password) #passing in the user with the dc attached... you should also be able to use the full CN
    treebase = "DC=domain,DC=com" 
    user_filter = Net::LDAP::Filter.eq( "sAMAccountName", username ) 
    # op_filter = Net::LDAP::Filter.eq( "objectClass", "organizationalPerson" ) #could be implemented at a future point in time

    #ldap will automatically bind when trying to preform a search or modification, so we don't call .bind here. .bind is only if you want to just return true or false, but we want to look up some attributes!
    if :base => treebase, :filter => user_filter, :attributes=> ['dn','sAMAccountName','displayname','SN','givenName']) do |ad_user|      
        #try to find the user locally and if they aren't there then create them. If they are there, update their name and email fields locally
        local_user = find_by_login(ad_user.samaccountname.to_s)
        if !local_user
          local_user = => ad_user.samaccountname.to_s, :name => ad_user.displayname.to_s, :email => ad_user.givenname.to_s + '.' + + '')
 false #pass false to skip validations
          return local_user
          #this is inefficient since each time we login I'm updating some fields, but I want the local db's name and email fields to stay sync'd.
          local_user.update_attributes(:name => ad_user.displayname.to_s, :email => ad_user.givenname.to_s + '.' + + '')
          return local_user
      return nil #they didn't authenticate to AD
  def self.initialize_ldap_con(user_name, password)
    ldap = = "your_ldap_server_IP"
    ldap.port = 636 #required for SSL connections, 389 is the default plain text port
    ldap.encryption :simple_tls #also required to tell Net:LDAP that we want SSL
    ldap.auth "#{user_name}","#{password}"
    ldap #explicitly return the ldap connection object
Original snippet written by Jon Kinney
Last updated at 23:13 PM on Sep 09, 2008

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