mkdir -p .vim/autoload mkdir -p .vim/backup mkdir -p .vim/bundle cd .vim/bundle git clone git:// git clone git:// git clone git:// git clone git:// git clone git:// git clone git:// git clone git:// cd ../.. curl > .vim/autoload/pathogen.vim echo "filetype off call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles() syntax on set nocompatible \"don't need to keep compatibility with Vi set background=dark \"make vim use colors that look good on a dark background set showcmd \"show incomplete cmds down the bottom set showmode \"show current mode down the bottom set incsearch \"find the next match as we type the search set hlsearch \"hilight searches by default set autoindent set shiftwidth=2 \"number of spaces to use in each autoindent step set tabstop=2 \"two tab spaces set softtabstop=2 \"number of spaces to skip or insert when ing or ing set expandtab \"spaces instead of tabs for better cross-editor compatibility set autoindent \"keep the indent when creating a new line set smarttab \"use shiftwidth and softtabstop to insert or delete (on ) blanks set cindent \"recommended seting for automatic C-style indentation set autoindent \"automatic indentation in non-C files set cursorline set cursorcolumn set wildmenu \"make tab completion act more like bash set wildmode=list:longest \"tab complete to longest common string, like bash set mouse-=a \"disable mouse automatically entering visual mode set wrap! set bs=2 set number set hidden \"allow hiding buffers with unsaved changes set cmdheight=2 \"make the command line a little taller to hide "press enter to viem more" text set backupdir=$HOME/.vim/backup set directory=$HOME/.vim/backup let mapleader = "," \"remap leader to ',' which is much easier than '\' map d :NERDTreeToggle :set number \"make nerdtree open when you hit ,d " >> .vimrc