<% option explicit %> <% Dim objRequest, objXMLDoc, objXmlNode, strRet, strError Set objRequest = Server.createobject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") 'on error resume next With objRequest .open "GET", "HTTP://", False .setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml" .send End With if err.number = 0 then Set objXMLDoc = Server.createobject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") objXmlDoc.async = false If objXMLDoc.LoadXml(objRequest.ResponseText) Then dim objLst,item Set objLst = objXMLDoc.getElementsByTagName("recipe") for each item in objLst response.write "

" 'response.write item.childnodes(0).text & "
" 'response.write item.childnodes(1).text & "
" response.write item.childnodes(4).text & "
" response.write "

" & item.childnodes(2).text &  "

" response.write item.childnodes(3).text & "
" 'response.write item.childnodes(5).text & "
" response.write "

" next else response.write "Unable to get a response" end if else response.write("Unable to contact the source.") end if %>